What is It’s Cool To Cry?

This mission isn’t about mental health awareness.

It’s about turning that awareness into action.

The action? Talking about mental health.

Talking about our feelings before they become overwhelming. Before they become too much. Before we can’t cope.

It’s Cool To Cry is a mental health conversation company.

I want to improve people’s mental health by empowering them and giving them tools to have the best conversations of their lives.

Whether it’s through workshops that change people’s thinking from “mental health, that doesn’t affect me” to “how can I work on my mental health?”

Or merch that’s been designed to not only make you look and feel grouse. But to put mental health out in the open, so that conversations can happen in ad hoc, informal ways.

It’s Cool To Cry is permission to not have your shit together all the time. It’s permission to healthily show emotion. It’s the polar opposite of bottling emotions.

Why conversations?

The more people we bring into the conversation, the more we create understanding and empathy. If we create more understanding and empathy, then we have less what? Less fear of judgement, less shame, less guilt. Less stigma.

These conversations aren’t about perfection – they’re about practice. And if you end up crying, that’s cool.

Let’s make mental health cool.

Jack - Founder